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Issues 2017: Other bills of interest to AFT-Maryland members

HB 01—Paid Sick Leave: SUPPORT
Even though members of the AFT-Maryland enjoy earned sick leave thanks to collectively bargained contracts, the people we serve—from students to families that can sometimes be struggling to make ends meet—would certainly benefit.

HJ002—Repeal Maryland’s call for a constitutional convention: SUPPORT
In the 70s, the Maryland legislature passed a call for a Constitutional Convention to amend the US Constitution. Since that time, numerous other states have called for a convention, while the national political field has become less stable. In uncertain political times like these, we now need, more than ever, to rely on the stability afforded us by the US constitution, and are asking the State Legislature to repeal its long outdated call for a Constitutional Convention.

HB 271—Maryland Transit Administration: Farebox Recovery, Goals, and Performance Indicators: SUPPORT
The Maryland Transit authority is required by state law to recover a certain percentage of fares and return them to the state. This law has put pressure on the MTA to recover as much funding as possible, to the point that it has scaled back the program that allows Baltimore City Public School students to use MTA buses for free until 8:00 p.m. Now, students may only use the buses for no charge up until 6:00 p.m., which is not enough time for students who need the bus to get to extra tutoring hours, study programs, or scholastic extracurricular activities. Repealing this Farebox mandate would help alleviate this problem.

HB 317— Labor and Employment—Wages and Benefits: Preemption of Local Authority: OPPOSE
If this bill is passed, it would prevent local jurisdictions like Baltimore City from raising the minimum wage beyond the state mandated amount. This stands completely against the principle of local autonomy, where local jurisdictions can determine their own direction and what works best for their own communities.

For more information, contact Todd Reynolds, Political Coordinator, AFT-Maryland, at

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