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AFT Retirement

AFT retired members are front and center in our union’s national and state legislative campaigns to honor their service with a secure, healthy and productive retirement.

AFT members who retire are ensured a lifelong membership in the national union as soon as their local union updates their status from “working” to “retired, active” in its membership reports to the AFT.

As a retired AFT national member, you will receive the same AFT newsletter you got while you were a working member and you will maintain access to most AFT + member benefits. You can get even more out of your membership by becoming involved in your local, regional or state retiree chapter’s activities. First, find out if your local already has a retiree chapter or a specific retirement program—there are more than 100 chartered AFT retiree chapters nationwide. By belonging to a retiree chapter, you’ll be in good company, with almost a quarter million AFT retirees nationwide.

For more information, visit

AFT Retirement

AFT retired members are front and center in our union’s national and state legislative campaigns to honor their service with a secure, healthy and productive retirement.

AFT members who retire are ensured a lifelong membership in the national union as soon as their local union updates their status from “working” to “retired, active” in its membership reports to the AFT.

As a retired AFT national member, you will receive the same AFT newsletter you got while you were a working member and you will maintain access to most AFT + member benefits. You can get even more out of your membership by becoming involved in your local, regional or state retiree chapter’s activities. First, find out if your local already has a retiree chapter or a specific retirement program—there are more than 100 chartered AFT retiree chapters nationwide. By belonging to a retiree chapter, you’ll be in good company, with almost a quarter million AFT retirees nationwide.

For more information, visit


Retirees are a vital part of our Union! As a retired AFT national member, you will maintain access to most AFT+ member benefits. Below is a list of links and resources for retirees through AFT and for seniors in the state of Maryland.