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Baltimore, MD-- Tonight our hearts are heavy and we echo the calls of the Gray family, clergy and Mayor Rawlings-Blake for peace as the city of Baltimore starts the healing process.

We are grateful that ...


At this time of tension and anxiety regarding the tragic events surrounding Mr. Freddie Gray, we have a heightened responsibility to our students, families, and school communities. First, the safety of our staff and students is our top concern. We are in constant contact with the Mayor’s Office, Baltimore City Police Department, and the City Health Department, and are coordinating with them to ensure we are ready to respond to situations as they arise.

We will make crisis counselors and mental health professionals available at schools throughout the city for all of our students, and they will


AFT-Maryland and Baltimore Teachers Union President Marietta English is featured in an important story on ways wrap-around services such as community schools and out of school time can significantly reduce the school-to-prison pipeline facing our young people today.

Under President English's direction, The Baltimore Teachers Union and AFT-Maryland have been vital partners in the Baltimore Education Coalition which has been the most prominent and tireless advocate for community schools and out of school time in the city.

Click here to read the full article on

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"After a long and sometimes hotly debated legislative session, the state is better for the admirable bi-partisan work done by the legislators. I want to start by thanking the state legislature for its efforts in finding the funds to educate our children across the state and also for keeping state worker pay as it is.


Governor Hogan needs to hear from you! After the legislature has done it's job to find the money necessary for the education of our young people, Governor Hogan won't play ball. He even tried to introduce a backdoor voucher program that would take PUBLIC TAXPAYER money and give it to PRIVATE schools. The governor is also holding state employee pay hostage, despite the fact that the legislature found the money to avoid state employee pay cuts.


In the final week of the Legislative Session, Governor Hogan is on a mission to see his agenda through. Unfortunately his agenda is a reverse Robin Hood, taking from those who need it most and rewarding those who can survive without it. He is playing a political game with education funding, holding that money hostage unless legislators go along with a budget that includes a discriminatory, unaccountable, and fraud-prone school voucher program that will only benefit private schools. 

Hogan's current budget plan includes a tax credit which would fund a neo-voucher program called Building