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Marietta English (President, AFT-Maryland and Baltimore Teachers Union) spoke before the Education Sub-Committee of the Baltimore Delegation Saturday, November 15, 2014. She addressed topics such as a hybrid school board (elected & appointed), funding for Baltimore City schools, and the proliferation of Community Schools across the city.


AFT has put together a great video on the 10/21/14 rally at Baltimore City Hall in support of Community Schools. Parents, students, teachers and community members gathered in front of City Hall to demand funding to expand community schools in Baltimore. Check it out on their YouTube channel:

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Click here to read


AFT-Maryland President Marietta English has released the following statement on the election of Larry Hogan as governor of Maryland:

"While I am disappointed that Anthony Brown did not prevail as Maryland's next Governor, I want to thank everyone who volunteered, voted, or helped to get out the vote. I know Larry Hogan's stunning win is a shock to many and could have serious consequences for educators, public employees, and healthcare workers in Maryland. However we look forward to working with Governor-elect Hogan and ultimately continuing the fight to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education


Dr. Lorretta Johnson, AFT Secretary-Treasurer and past president of AFT-Maryland, hit the polls in Baltimore on Election Day to help AFT-MD members and staff get out the vote in Maryland.

Pictured here is Dr. Johnson in "The Mighty 45th" district with Delegate Cheryl Glenn, who is running for re-election, along with one of our youngest volunteers (a family member of a City Union of Baltimore member).

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Dr. Lorretta Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer of AFT and Past President of AFT-Maryland, and Randi Weingarten, President of AFT National, wrote a letter for Ebony Magazine. The letter to voters is on why our community's young people need us at the ballot box today.

Have you made a plan to vote? Visit our website for a link to look up your polling place and other Election Day tools.

Click here to read the article on

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The race for Maryland’s next Governor is down to its last few days, and we’re asking for one more push to help us Get Out the Vote. Come out this weekend to help us!

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This Saturday, from 10am-2pm, come to the AFT-Maryland Headquarters (5800 Metro Drive, Baltimore, Maryland, 21215) for an afternoon of knocking on fellow union members’ doors to encourage them to vote. We will fan out in teams to key locations in Baltimore City and Baltimore County to help get out the vote!

Don’t sit this election out!