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Help reverse Education Budget Cuts in Maryland

Help reverse the Education Budget Cuts! Help save public Education in Baltimore City. Our jobs are at stake!

Governor Hogan's proposed budget cuts to education would be a catastrophe--especially to Baltimore City. Under the Governor's budget, Baltimore City Public Schools would be cut by $35.5 million dollars, or nearly 4%-- the largest cut by dollars or by percentage of any jurisdiction in the state.

In Baltimore City, a $35.5 million cut could mean:

  • A loss of over 400 teachers,
  • Nearly 700 layoffs for Educational Support Staff,
  • A per pupil cut of $419 in Baltimore City alone,
  • An average loss of nearly $190,000 per school.

We can fight these cuts, save our jobs, and restore funding to Baltimore City Public Schools, but only if we make our voices heard!

Come to the AFT-Maryland Lobby Night, Monday evening, March 9th. Members of the AFT-Maryland and affiliated locals will talk directly to their representatives in Annapolis, telling them to stop and reverse Governor Hogan's bad budget.

To RESERVE your seat on the bus, contact Todd Reynolds: 410-764-3030, or   CLICK HERE for an event flyer.

AFT-Maryland Lobby Night in Annapolis
Buses will depart from AFT-Maryland / BTU parking lot
5800 Metro Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215 at 5:30 p.m.
Sandwiches and soft drinks to be provided.

To RESERVE your seat, contact Todd Reynolds: 410-764-3030,

Click here for an event flyer.

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