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Help reverse the Education Budget Cuts! Help save public Education in Baltimore City. Our jobs are at stake!

Governor Hogan's proposed budget cuts to education would be a catastrophe--especially to Baltimore City. Under the Governor's budget, Baltimore City Public Schools would be cut by $35.5 million dollars, or nearly 4%-- the largest cut by dollars or by percentage of any jurisdiction in the state.

In Baltimore City, a $35.5 million cut could mean:

  • A loss of over 400 teachers,
  • Nearly 700 layoffs for Educational Support Staff,
  • A per pupil cut of $419 in Baltimore City alone,
  • An average loss of

Are state workers not Maryland families? Governor Hogan said Maryland families have been tightening their belts, but his new budget makes state workers tighten them even more. ​Under the Governor's budget, well deserved and long overdue Cost of Living increases will be taken back by the State.

Maryland public employees and their families are the very families that Governor Hogan said he ran to help. We can be heard. Join AFT-Maryland Monday February 9, 2015 for Lobby Night in Annapolis. This is an opportunity to discuss Governor Hogan's budget with you state representatives.

February 9, 2015


AFT-Maryland President Marietta English's statement on Gov. Larry Hogan's proposed cuts to ​Baltimore City School System.

For Immediate Release
February 2, 2015
Contact: Ray Baker
(410) 764-3030

"I am deeply troubled and concerned that Gov. Hogan's proposed budget has such impactful cuts to Baltimore City Public Schools. We at AFT-Maryland and BTU do not believe this is the best way to build on the academic gains made by Baltimore city students. City schools CEO Dr. Gregory Thornton's suggestion that these cuts could lead to 400 lost jobs is equally concerning. These teachers and para-professionals


AFT-Maryland President Marietta English delivered impassioned remarks at the National Press Club on Tuesday Morning. The program, sponsored by The American Federation of Teachers and Howard University School of Education, examined the impact federal policy has on teacher diversity.

In her remarks, President English acknowledged the important work historically black colleges and universities as well as other minority servicing institutions do in preparing and training the next generation of diverse teachers.

President English wore two hats at the event, not only being leader of AFT-Maryland but


When Larry Hogan announced the details for his first budget as Maryland governor last week, the state’s teachers and parents were shocked to learn that among his biggest cuts were to Education. Baltimore City Public Schools in particular were singled out for the biggest hit, losing $35.5 million, or nearly 4% of the aid they normally rely on from the state.

While City Schools CEO Gregory Thornton has not yet announced how the schools system will handle this cut, union officials are worried that the governor’s budget will result in job losses for teachers and educational support staff


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