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BCFPHN Member Spotlight

Renee Reisinger enjoys working as a public health professional. She also appreciates that it’s never too late to learn something new. This is why she joins a select few with the distinction of graduating from a first-in-the-nation Master’s Program at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. The program is in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics. In this member spotlight, Renee talks with AFT-Maryland Communication Director Ray Baker about what she’s learned in the program and how the program is helping advance the field of public health.

AFT-Maryland and BCFPHN are proud of each and every member who betters themselves in an effort to improve their service to the public. Renee is an example of that and the distinction she has as a graduate of a first-in-the-nation program demonstrates her commitment to the public and to her craft. In the interview, she addresses why public health professionals need to know about the science and therapeutics of medical cannabis as well as some common myths about cannabis. Finally she addresses the healing properties of the plant and the way it interacts with the body.

Click here for the full video on AFT-Maryland's YouTube channel.


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