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[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"24678","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image media-image-right","style":"width: 150px; height: 150px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; margin: 3px; float: right;","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]]We need your help to get out the vote for the upcoming General Election! AFT-Maryland is coordinating volunteers to make phone calls Mondays through Thursdays and Saturdays until Nov. 3rd. Call to sign up for a shift!

We are also canvassing neighborhoods with Labor-to-Labor Door-to-Door walks, Wednesday evenings and Saturdays. We are union members talking to other union members, encouraging our brothers & sisters to come out to vote on November 4th.

Schedules and contact information are below. Come out and join us!


Here's some of what we're reading this week. More below the jump...

For more news clips, visit

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AFT-Maryland, along with the Baltimore Teachers Union, Maryland Communities United, and the Center for Popular Democracy will be hosting a rally to promote and advocate widespread support for community schools.

Throughout Baltimore, Community Schools are transforming public education. Community Schools are rooted in their local communities. Building innovative partnerships with non-profits, city agencies, and businesses, Community Schools multiply public resources to bring top-quality academics, services, and programs to ensure children are physically, emotionally, and socially prepared to learn. For the press release, click here.

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Retirees from the Baltimore Teachers Union phone-banked for candidates supported and endorsed by AFL-CIO. The retirees manned the phones at the AFT-Maryland Headquarters in Baltimore.

Calls were made to ensure that registered voters committed to voting for candidates that would support workers’ rights and collective bargaining. It was one of many days of phone banking in an effort to get out the vote for the upcoming November election.

For more photos, click here to visit our Facebook page.


AFT-Maryland took a delegation led by President Marietta English to Washington D.C. for the 44th annual Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference. The conference featured brain trusts and issue forums that sought to address legislative concerns of those in the black community. Among the many panels held were Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) hosted event “Working Families Fight Back” and the American Federation of Teachers conversation simply titled “Education or Politics.”

The conference brought together thousands from across the nation from different sectors to have


Join AFT-Maryland on Tuesday, Oct. 14th for a viewing of Koch Brothers Exposed, Brave New Films' documentary on the Koch Brothers and their influence on American elections.

From Robert Greenwald, the award-winning director of Outfoxed: Rupert Murdock's War on Journalism, and Walmart: The High Cost of a Low Price.

Tuesday, October 14th, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
BTU/AFT-Maryland Headquarters

5800 Metro Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215

Free popcorn & soda!
RSVP to Todd Reynolds by 10/13: (410) 764-3030, or