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Come join with your sisters and brothers in labor for

Union Night in Annapolis
Monday, March 25th, 2019
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Meet on the Southeast Lawn
at the corner of Bladen & Calvert Streets
Annapolis MD 21401

Limited bus seating is available, leaving from AFT-Maryland/BTU at 5:15 p.m. (5800 Metro Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215).

RSVP to hold your seat by FRIDAY, 3/22:
Todd Reynolds,, (443) 320-4719. Food and soft drinks will be provided on the bus.

Be sure to wear your union shirts, jackets, hats, etc.!

Sponsored by the Metro Baltimore Council AFL-CIO


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"60381","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image media-image-right","style":"width: 33%; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; float: right;"}}]]The City Union of Baltimore has been working for two sessions to get a tax credit for low wage city employees passed. While President Antoinette Ryan-Johnson has routinely traveled to Annapolis to lobby for this piece of legislation, she has been aided this session by freshman Delegate Stephanie Smith. Smith introduced the bill in the Ways and Means Committee and brought it before the Baltimore city delegation meeting as well.

Click to read 


On a March Friday, a collection of state workers who decided they no longer wanted to be just employees, but that they wanted to be leaders in their workplace, convened at the AFT-Maryland office for a steward training. This training equipped members with skills on how to engage fellow workers and managing a range of worker related issues. A common misconception about state employees, particularly in the health sector, is that they don’t face similar worker issues as other employees, namely private ones.

AFT-Healthcare Maryland is responsible for facilitating labor-management committees (LMCs)


When federal legislators wanted to protect public water, they knew they could call on President Antoinette Ryan-Johnson of the City Union of Baltimore. They knew she’d be the perfect ally for this fight to protect public water. Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence of Michigan along with Congressman Ro Khanna of California have re-introduced the WATER Act of 2019. This legislation would provide federal funding for water infrastructure improvements all across the nation.

In her remarks at the press conference introducing the legislation, President Ryan-Johnson spoke on behalf of the 600 City Union of


The union’s work ensuring funding for students often takes members, leadership, and staff to Annapolis to make the case before Maryland legislators. However, a special assignment to secure federal funding brought BTU PSRP Chapter Chair and AFT-Maryland Executive Board member Sandra Davis to Washington, D.C. to lobby for more funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Currently the act is only funded federally at about 15%. Davis and other AFT members from across the nation met with Congressional leaders to get that funding to 40%. States are responsible for providing


CUB president Antoinette Ryan-Johnson led a delegation of AFT-Maryland members and leaders in Annapolis to testify on a bill that would allow union members to write off their union dues on state income taxes. This bill would increase the number of union members in the face of the anti-worker Supreme Court Janus decision. President Ryan-Johnson lauded this bill for reaching out to workers who are striving to make ends meet.

She was joined by MPEC President Jerry Smith and BTU member Nick McDaniels as they testified on the impact such a bill would have on the lives of members. State Sen. Guy