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Juneteenth is a holiday that every working person should hold a deep reverence and appreciation for. Colloquially, we think of the holiday in terms of freeing enslaved African-Americans. While that is undoubtedly true, this holiday changed the nature of labor in this country forever. It is a celebration of the events that forbade exploited labor in the United States. Slavery was a commitment to exploiting people for the purpose of their labor, that exploitation was determined by the color of their skin. As working people, we know that the unfair and abusive treatment of workers does not just hurt those people being mistreated but others who want to earn an honest living at a fair wage using their talent and treasure.  CLICK TO READ > > >


Stewardship Training: Helping Stewards Make a Difference


Stewards are the lifeblood of any union. That’s why it’s of the utmost importance that unions offer training to continue to develop and strengthen their stewards. The Maryland Professional Employees Council Local 6197 (MPEC) hosted their stewards for training on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. The training covered a wide range of topics, informing those in attendance of the responsibilities of stewards.

Read more about the event on MPEC's website.

Black History Month

It is once again Black History Month and as a union of professionals in service to the public, this should be a celebration for all Marylanders. Many of us appreciate the historic contributions made to our state and country by Black people as those contributions have only served to enhance our nation and make the United States more just. As Americans, our country’s history is not something that should be ignored or diminished. We must tell honest truths, difficult as they may be, if we are indeed to create a more perfect union. 

Thankfully the labor movement has been and continues to be a place where Black people have been celebrated in community with others. CLICK TO READ MORE...

AFT-Maryland Holds Federation-Wide Steward Training

Shop stewards are the backbone of any labor union and necessary for the union to wield the power in the workplace that members deserve. Knowing that, AFT-Maryland convened a statewide training for   public employee stewards to equip them with the skills and resources they need to help their colleagues as best as possible. Members from across the state, working in diverse industries from higher education professionals to correctional staff, came to Baltimore for the day-long training.

Click for video, photos, and more!

AFTMD Trunk-or-Treat 2023

AFT-Maryland added a twist to the annual Trunk or Treat event this year by passing out books to young people in attendance. In addition to candy and snacks, members also enjoyed the camaraderie and a beautiful Saturday afternoon. The event was supported by a number of community and labor organizations.

Click through for photos from the event and more!

AFT-Maryland Organizes FCC and HCC

AFT-Maryland welcomes full-time faculty from Frederick and Howard Community Colleges into the state federation. Following legislation in 2021 granting collective bargaining rights to full-time community college faculty, AFT-Maryland is proud to be the exclusive bargaining agent for higher education full-time faculty at the community colleges in Frederick and Howard counties respectively.

Read on for more about the unionization efforts.