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AFL-CIO Food and Toy Drive 2024

AFT Maryland members and staff were thrilled to participate once again this year with Metro Baltimore Council AFL-CIO in support of AFL-CIO Community Services' Holiday Food and Toy drive, helping to make the holidays brighter for those in need. New toys, non-perishable foods, and donations were collected throughout the season, and dozens of volunteers came together to sort, package, and distribute food baskets and toys.


Happy Holidays from AFT Maryland

The holidays are a time to be cheerful, loving, appreciative, and giving. The Thanksgiving holiday was a perfect kickoff to a season of gratitude and reflection. A number of religious and spiritual holidays occur at the end of the calendar year and collectively they encourage us to be resolute in our commitments to one another. They invite us to center kindness, community, and appreciation as we reflect on the previous year. Thankfully these are tenets of the labor movement which we practice daily. We have consistently demonstrated our solidarity with other labor unions, community initiatives, and most importantly within our own state federation. Our collaborations have produced victories at the bargaining table and in communities across Baltimore and throughout the state of Maryland.


Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of the most celebrated holidays throughout the United States, and for good reason. It comes toward the latter portion of the year when it feels appropriate to wind down and enjoy the bounty of the harvest. We can at once be aware of the deeply uncomfortable and quite honestly troubling origins of the holiday, while being deeply grateful for the blessings we currently enjoy. Despite the various challenges we have faced, each of us has something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

The state federation is thankful for our new headquarters. This facility has already been a welcome home to members and truly a house of labor. We are thankful to ... 

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Veterans Day 2024

Now more than ever all Americans should be grateful for the service of those who sacrifice so much for their fellow citizens. This year, it is my hope that our deep respect and reverence for service members from all walks of life will give this Veterans Day a greater meaning than in years past. 


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from the desk of President Campbell

To all of our members and our communities,

I would like to start by saying, Thank You. Thank you to all of the members, family and friends, and community partners who have been with us these past days, weeks, and months, in all of the ways you showed up to help. Since August, we have had a constant crew of retirees and others making phone calls to union members in Maryland and in battleground states. We have seen our members engaging with the AFT’s program to write personal letters to union members. And we have had volunteers showing up every Saturday to go out into the community and knock on doors to engage members and turn out voters. 

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Trunk or Treat

JOIN US for Trunk-or-Treating in Baltimore! 

Saturday October 26, 2024 from 1-4pm, at 1000 N Stricker St (between Riggs & Mosher). 

We'll have books and treats for the kids, and voter information for the grown-ups!

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