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City Union of Baltimore (CUB) President Antoinette Ryan-Johnson went to Annapolis to testify on behalf of her members and the employees of Baltimore City in support of a bill that would provide property tax credits to city employees who are among the lowest 25% earners. Ryan-Johnson’s testimony highlighted the number of city employees who would love to own homes in the city but simply cannot afford to do so. She mentioned the wealth creation that home ownership provides as well as how this bill could bring city employees priced out of the city back while allowing them an opportunity to own


Leadership and representatives from the unions that make up the AFT-Maryland engaged with state elected officials at their annual Legislative Reception. Members and leaders met with delegates and state senators to discuss issues and bills of importance to their members. Speaker of the House Michael Busch made an appearance at the event and chatted with AFT-Maryland President Marietta English. Leadership from MPEC, BCFPE, CUB, and AFT Healthcare Maryland were all in attendance to discuss important issues with legislators.

Members were also in attendance and they had the opportunity to meet with


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AFT Healthcare-Maryland convened a member meeting on Saturday, December 2, 2017 in Woodlawn, MD. President Debra Perry gave a state of the union address updating members on a number of topics including growth in membership and updates on contract negotiations. Beyond pertinent union information, there were also a number of key presentations that informed members on a myriad of topics.

Sara Markle-Elder from the American Federation of Teachers was on hand to give a presentation about the dangers of fentanyl exposure. This issue is relevant nationwide but particularly useful to Marylanders


Gerri Bohanan, AFT-Maryland Higher Education Area Vice President, was honored at the 45th Annual National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE) Conference with the Living Legend Award.

Bohanan’s work in Baltimore city and particularly at Coppin State University has garnered her a number of accolades over the years. She’s been an active and committed member of the Baltimore Teachers Union in addition to her participation in NABSE and her work on the executive board of the AFT-Maryland.

The entire federation takes great pride in congratulating Ms. Bohanan on her award and thanks her for her