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Bills introduced to cut funding to higher ed institutions that have members who are in organizations the have authorized a boycott of Israel.

A number of academic professional organizations have authorized a boycott of Israel-- including the American Studies Association and the Modern Language Association (which is the professional organization for English professors, as well as Language faculty). The argument is that the State of Israel has severely restricted the movement and communication abilities of a number of Palestinian academics, a violation of each organizations principles of academic freedom.

Maryland Senators and Delegates have introduced a bill, however, that would cut funding to any state higher ed institution which used state funds for any professors or graduate students to attend these professional organization. (This would be a hiuge blow especially to graduate students-- they need to attend those professional organization conferences because that is where most job interviews happen. They rely on department funds to make those trips, as their own stipends are too small.)


 2/14/14 Todd Reynolds, Political Action Coordinator

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