The 2015 Maryland Legislative Session is under way, and AFT-Maryland is launching its legislative agenda early in the session, bringing the issues that support Maryland workers and their families to the attention of the Maryland General Assembly.
Join AFT-Maryland as we visit Maryland's elected leaders and make the case for workplace safety, equitable education funding, protecting due process rights for teachers, and legislation for corporations to pay their fair share of taxes.
Mark your calendar:
February 9, 2015
AFT-Maryland Lobby Night in Annapolis
Click here for the event flyer.
Buses will depart from AFT-Maryland
5800 Metro Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215 at 5:30 p.m.
Sandwiches and soft drinks to be provided.
To RESERVE your seat, contact Todd Reynolds: 410-764-3030, or treynolds@aftmd.org