A hot topic among many working professionals is student loan debt. This is also true for members of the unions of AFT-Maryland. We know how pressing an issue student loan debt is because of the huge response to the student loan debt clinics that the state federation has provided to members. In Annapolis, AFT-Maryland is supporting legislation sponsored by Sen. Paul Pinsky that seeks to control costs of predatory private colleges that are unfortunately taking advantage of attendees.
AFT-Maryland has been taking the lead among unions in Annapolis on providing relief for Marylanders wrestling with student loan debt. In addition to the myriad programs our national office provides, AFT-Maryland is intent on ensuring state federation members and all Marylanders are not preyed upon by student loan companies, particularly those Marylanders who entrusted their education to for-profit colleges and have seen those colleges close for whatever reason. As this legislation progresses, the state federation will continue to provide updates.
Member testimony is vital to the work AFT-Maryland does in Annapolis on behalf of its locals. If you would like to submit written testimony or come to Annapolis to provide oral testimony on behalf of your union, please contact Todd Reynolds, AFT-Maryland Political Coordiantor at treynolds@aftmd.org.