Under the theme “Solution Driven Unionism,” the conference will feature workshops and presentations on topics of interest to healthcare professionals such as Status Report: National and State Initiatives Resulting from The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, New Roles for RNs and Other Healthcare Providers, Addressing and Preventing Substance Abuse in Healthcare Workers, Best Practices in Safe Patient Handling, and Preparing for Joint Labor Management Teams to Address Quality and Reimbursement.
Workshops and presentations targeted to public employee interests include Public Speaking for Public Professions; Sequestration, Revenue and the Economy; Community Engagement; Electronic Tools for Union Building and Communications; Employee Wage Comparisons; Fighting for Our Pension and Retirement Security; and The Affordable Care Act and Its Impact on Healthcare Insurance plans.
For information on pre-conference workshops, conference registration, and hotel fees go to http://go.aft.org/jointconf2013.