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Back to School 2024

Welcome Back to School

We are only days away from the return of students to classrooms. It is an exciting time for every education professional and public employee who works with Baltimore City Public School System students and families. The combination of nerves and excitement leading up to the first day of school is an unmatched feeling that only those of us who have experienced it can relate to. Rarely do anxiety and optimism take up space so closely together but the run-up to the first day of school creates an uncanny mix of emotions quelled only by the certainty that opening day will come and all of our practice and preparation will meet the returning energy of our young people.

Having been a classroom teacher myself, I relate deeply to the mix of emotions many of you are feeling, and I was proud to meet and share information with so many at the recent New Teacher Summer Institute. For our early career education professionals, there is a newness that matches uncertainty with unlimited possibility of what may be. For those of us who are veterans in the education field, we have a good idea what is in store for us but are consistently amazed by the new ways this profession schools us every year. For all of us, the preparation, rest, vacation, professional development, or anything else we have done this summer prepared us for this moment.

We want the best opening day for every member of our state federation working in a public school, including our paraprofessionals and school related personnel (PSRPs), cafeteria managers, school crossing guards, as well as teachers and others. We want the year to be productive, engaging, challenging, affirming, and ultimately an example of a joyous community that you co-create with your students and their families. Wanting this does not necessarily ensure it will happen. At every step of success and disappointment, triumph and tragedy, your union will be supporting you, providing you with the resources you need to succeed.

As a member of your local union, you are also a member of AFT Maryland. We are a state federation of public employee labor unions supporting and organizing public employee professionals like yourself. We are more than 15,000 members strong in the state, and growing. We are an additional voice, advocate, and supporter of you as you embark on this upcoming school year. Be nervous, be anxious, be excited, and be confident, but most of all have a great opening day and 2024-25 school year.

In Solidarity,
Kenya Campbell, President, AFT Maryland

AFT Maryland


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