Children in Baltimore city may not be excited about going back to school, but they were excited for a fun filled day in East Baltimore. The Baltimore City Council President’s Office hosted a back to school event that brought hundreds of families out to Eager Park in East Baltimore. The event was supported by a number of business and non-profit partners showing what public-private partnerships in Baltimore can produce. AFT-Maryland members and staff were on hand to provide school supplies and register Baltimoreans to vote.

Delegate Stephanie Smith who chairs the Baltimore city House Delegation was in attendance. She highlighted the necessity of families and the education professionals coming together for a day of fun before starting the hard work of the school year. “We know those on the front lines – our teachers, our paraprofessionals, those that are in unions – they know what our children

Well known Baltimore radio personalities such as Lil Black and Kelson from Baltimore radio station 92Q were on hand as was nationally renowned Baltimore drummer Timothy Fletcher whose music selection and drum skills had young and old moving to the beat. City Council President Nick Mosby was grateful for the collaboration with AFT-Maryland stressing that “this is a community that’s public-facing… that are the children that AFT [Maryland members] pours into every day. When you combine the AFT [Maryland] with the community, coming together and understanding, knowing that we got to pour into our young folks collectively, that’s what this event is about.”
