Evan Davis, a student at ConneXions Community Leadership Academy, #325, BCPSS, won the gold medal in the “Dramatics” category. Darrius Jackson won the bronze medal in the “Music Vocal/Classical” category, and studies at Baltimore School for the Arts, #415, BCPSS. Altogether, Maryland students won three Gold medals, two Silver medals, and two Bronze medals throughout this year’s event, for a total of seven medals in the state. Four counties and the Baltimore City NAACP branches sent students to the national competition in Las Vegas.
The NAACP's Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) is a yearlong achievement program designed to recruit, stimulate, and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students. The competition features music, oratory, science, dance, writing, filmmaking and entrepreneurship categories, to name a few. The event was open to the general public, and a talent showcase and social event were also held for the ACT-SO participants.
ACT-SO includes 26 categories of competition in the sciences, humanities, business, and performing and visual arts. More than 260,000 young people have participated from the program since its inception.
- To learn more about the NAACP’s ACT-SO program, visit NAACPConnect.org.
- To see a full list of the National 2014 ACT-SO medalists, visit NAACPConnect.org
- For photos of the event, visit ACT-SO’s Flickr stream at https://www.flickr.com/photos/65116064@N02/sets/72157645338356678/