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Candidate, Campaign, and Leadership Training this Saturday

From our friends at the Democratic Women's PAC of Maryland:

2012 brought many exciting victories for women leaders across the country, but the path to electoral and professional success for women today remains challenging in many ways. Women still have to work smarter and harder to raise money, to credential ourselves as viable leaders and candidates and to gain access to professional and financial networks often still shut off to women today..

Fortunately, there are a number of groups here in Maryland working hard to break down these barriers. I look forward to joining two of them: the Democratic Women’s PAC of Maryland and the Young Democrats of Maryland Women’s Caucus this Saturday, January 12th at their Candidate, Campaign and Leadership Training to share my experiences running for office.
I encourage any of you who are considering public office, working on campaigns or simply want tips from experienced candidates and professionals on how to position yourself for personal, professional or political success, to take advantage of this tremendous opportunity.

Visit for details and registration information.

You can also follow #TrainLead on Twitter Saturday from 8:30am to 4:30pm to follow the conversation and ask me questions!

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