The workplace death of Baltimore city Department of Public Works employee Ronald Silver II struck a solemn nerve for the City Union of Baltimore (CUB). Five years ago, the union tragically lost Trina Cunningham in a workplace accident. Now, the city grieves the loss of another public employee, who died from heat-related illness. CUB, AFT Maryland, and the national AFT have worked together since 2022 to improve and update the workplace safety standards for city employees. Sadly, our union sibling Mr. Silver’s death is a reminder that there is much work yet to be done.
In the wake of Mr. Silver’s passing, AFT Maryland, CUB, AFSCME, and elected officials from the Baltimore City Council held a press conference addressing the issue and outlining what needs to be done to assure there are no city workplace deaths. Speaking at the press conference, CUB Executive Vice President Rod Pinkett said, “the issues at DPW have drawn the most attention but city workers from a number of agencies work daily in environments that aren’t healthy, safe, and offer no protection or respite for the worst effects of outdoor climate.” Pinkett spoke to the challenges facing working in the Department of Transportation, Recreation and Parks, the Department of General Services, as well as other city agencies.

Councilmember Antonio Glover offered remarks recalling his time as an employee in the Baltimore DPW. He shared that workers at that agency working in sanitation do not want to be treated like the trash they collect. CUB and AFT Maryland have lobbied continuously for safe working conditions for city employees and even developed strategies to empower workers to protect themselves. These efforts date back to 2019. Additionally, CUB continued to draw attention to the issue of workplace safety following our report documenting unhealthy and unsafe working conditions for city employees.
The tragedy of Mr. Silver is another example of the dangers workers face when there are not sufficient workplace guidelines ensuring their safety. Whether working in environments that are unsafe and unhealthy, or working outdoors with unprecedented heatwaves, Baltimore city employees deserve safety. Ronald Silver II and Trina Cunningham’s memories deserve that much.

Article by AFT Maryland staff