On Thursday, March 8, 2018, the Maryland Fight for 15 Coalition held a press conference in advance of a hearing in the Maryland state Senate. The press conference was attended by a number of elected officials including Sen. Ron Young of Frederick and Del. Jazz Lewis of Prince George’s County. Baltimore City Councilman Kristerfer Burnett was also in attendance at the press conference and testified later that day at the Senate hearing. He remarked he was there to call for a $15 minimum wage because “poverty is violence.”

AFT-Maryland is among a number of labor unions and community groups supporting the Fight for 15. Among the other unions supporting are SEIU and AFSCME as well as a host of community groups. A bill was introduced last year but did not make it out of committee. Organizers are optimistic this session’s efforts will be more successful.
For more, visit: http://ff15maryland.org/
