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Memorial Day 2024

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a marker to get ready for vacations, and be sure children have their summer plans in order. The holiday also marks a season of optimism and is the first in a line of summer holidays that celebrate the rich, complex, and diverse history of the United States.

Memorial Day invites us to slow down and pause from the lightning quick pace that life has become. It can be difficult to stop scrolling, turn off the television, and put down the phone but that is what this holiday asks us to do. We remember the people who lost their lives near and far in the belief of a collective public welfare. These heroes made the ultimate sacrifice and many of us stand on their shoulders. As public employees, we have a special understanding of people who make careers out of public service. We have a deep appreciation for the sacrifice that is, and an even greater reverence for those who lost their lives in such service. 

Ever since the first Monday in May of 1865, when loved ones and strangers alike honored the lives of Union soldiers lost in the Civil War, our country has paused for each person that lost their life in service to this country. In remembering what those folks fought and died for, our state federation works to ensure all Maryland public employees receive the quality of life that honors those sacrifices. We press on in remembrance of our members and those soldiers so their deaths will not be in vain.

Kenya Campbell, President AFT Maryland

When firing up the grill, or filling up the pool, please take a moment to remember those who shed blood with the belief that they were laying down their lives so we could live ours more fully. During National Military Appreciation Month, Memorial Day, and every day, we honor our members who have served in the military and thank each of you for your bravery and service.

Wishing you a meaningful Memorial Day,

Kenya Campbell

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