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Public School Teachers Testify Against Vouchers

On Monday March 7, 2016 current and retired members of the Baltimore Teachers Union made their way to Annapolis to let legislators know vouchers were bad for Baltimore City. Three current BTU members (Brendan McFadden, Morgan Showalter, and Harry Preston V) all testified to the House Ways and Means Committee about the effects a voucher bill would have on students in Baltimore City.

Along with the teachers' testimony AFT-Maryland's Legislative and Policy Director Terence Cooper highlighted the $24 million dollar reduction in state aid to Baltimore, and noted the troubling aspect of in turn giving state money (through tax breaks and subsidies) to private schools. The message was well received by a few delegates on the committee as they echoed Mr. Cooper's frustration at the idea of giving public money to private schools.

The committee is expected to consider three different bills that essentially provide tax subsidies to businesses and individuals who make contributions to private schools. AFT-Maryland, ACLU Maryland, and a number of other community-based organizations are against the idea of public money funding private schools. 

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