If you ask any child their favorite holiday, ranked somewhere high will likely be Halloween. The holiday is a fan favorite of young people on account of the costumes, the games, and of course, the candy. AFT-Maryland participated in the annual Trunk or Treat event held at the historic Arena Players theater in West Baltimore, but this year the state federation added a twist. In addition to handing out candy and snacks, AFT-Maryland also passed out books to the young people in attendance.

The books, as well as the candy, reached the hands of local young people, and also the children (and grandchildren) of members. AFT-Maryland members turned out to support the state federation’s event bringing with them younger family members to get candy, take home a book, and enjoy the camaraderie on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Member involvement was paramount to President Kenya Campbell and demonstrated the relationship between the state federation and our members.

“What this tells me is that we’re communicating with our members. Our members are connected, which was very important to me. Not only are we increasing our membership but we’re engaging our members. We’re involved in activities like Trunk or Treat and our members are coming out to help us, to join us, and more importantly they bring their families, their friends, and they spread the word,” said Campbell.
City Union of Baltimore (CUB) Local 800 member Adria Allen appreciated that her union and the state federation is so involved in the community. She noted that it shows that “not only do they have concern for union members but they also have concern for our families, the community, and everything that surrounds it.” Allen, who attended a CUB contract ratification meeting earlier in the week was reminded about the event from CUB leadership and AFT-Maryland staff.

The event was supported by a number of community and labor organizations that routinely partner with AFT-Maryland for community events. AFT-Maryland was joined by the Baltimore chapters of the National Action Network, the Coalition of Labor Union Women, and the A. Philip Randolph Institute, among others.
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