Baltimore was out in full force for the Metro Baltimore AFL-CIO Rally in Annapolis on Monday, March 6th. The collective unions of the AFT-Maryland stood in solidarity with their sisters and brothers in labor. There were speakers representing nearly every sector of labor including two of AFT-Maryland’s own. Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees (BCFPE) President
John Ripley gave impassioned remarks to motivate those in attendance.
Baltimore Teachers Union President and AFT-Maryland President
Marietta English addressed education funding and the pending staff reduction in Baltimore City schools. President English promised teachers would stand with labor and called on labor to stand with educators and Baltimore city students and their families. She led the crowd in a chant of “Stronger Together”.
This rally marked the last for outgoing Metro Baltimore AFL-CIO President Ernie Grecco. He’s been a Baltimore leader of labor for more than 30 years. We in the labor community owe a great debt to the fantastic leadership of Mr. Grecco.
Following the rally AFT-Maryland went into the state capitol and observed the House proceedings. The federation was acknowledged on the house floor and received a great applause from those in the gallery and Delegates.
For more photos from the event, visit our Facebook page!