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Response to Sun article, "City schools face $60 million deficit"

For Immediate Release
February 18, 2015
Contact: Ray Baker
(410) 764-3030

Statement from BTU President, Marietta English on Baltimore Sun Article from 02/18/15: "City schools face $60 million deficit even without state cuts"

Baltimore, MD- Baltimore City's impending budget deficit is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Any suggestion that the teacher contract is in large part responsible for the school system's deficit is not earnest on its face.

The Baltimore Teachers Union will happily work with Central Office to reduce and ultimately eliminate the deficit but will not support any reduction, layoff, or furlough to staff. These personnel are essential to the academic improvements city students have made.

The Baltimore City Public School System has been through this before. I remember vividly working with Dr. Bonnie Copeland on reducing the budget deficit without significantly reducing the workforce.

We believe that, with a thorough evaluation of essential bureaucratic personnel and strong leadership from Dr. Thornton and others, the school system can fix this issue without jeopardizing the welfare​ of ​​Baltimore City Public Schools students and staff.



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