The principle of equity is central to the work all our members do every day--it's the foundation for safe and vibrant communities. Together, with the community, we will push forward our mission of fairness; democracy; economic opportunity; and high-quality public education, healthcare, and public services for all.
We are asking Maryland residents, members and neighbors, to take part in three dynamic activities designed to demonstrate our commitment to building a better America.
Saturday, May 10th
AFT-Maryland joins the National Association of Letter Carriers in STAMP OUT HUNGER, a national food drive. AFT-Maryland Affiliate Locals will distribute bags in which you can place your non-perishable food donations. Place the bags near your mailbox on Saturday, May 10th, and your letter carrier will deliver them to a local food pantry. If you need a bag, contact your union local office, or AFT-Maryland.
Tuesday, May 13th
AFT-Maryland will join union members, labor leaders, and community activists from across the country to rally on the steps of the Supreme Court to commemorate the anniversary of the Brown v. Bord of Education decision which struck down the "separate but equal" policies that limited the participation of African Americans and other minorities in American society. The demonstration takes on even greater importance in light of the Supreme Court's recent decision to disallow affirmative action policies in institutions of higher learning.
AFT-Maryland is providing bus transportation to Washington, DC on Tuesday, the 13th. To reserve your seat on the bus, you must RSVP to AFT-Maryland at 410.764.3030, or register online by clicking here: http://md.aft.org.
Thursday, May 15th
AFT-Maryland continues its participation with the national "First Book" effort to assure all American children have books to read. Free books will be given away at a selected Baltimore Public School, from 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.
For more information on Reclaiming the Promise activities, contact: The AFT-Maryland, 5800 Metro Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21215; 410-764-3030.

For more information on Reclaiming the Promise activities in Maryland, contact:
AFT-Maryland, 5800 Metro Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215
(410) 764-3030 | http://md.aft.org
Reclaim the Promise of a Better America!