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On December 6th, the Maryland State Legislature will convene a special session to redraw our state’s congressional boundaries based on the 2020 U.S. Census data. They will also consider overriding the vetoes on a number of important bills, as well as elect a new State Treasurer. CLICK THROUGH TO READ


Beginning on Dec 6th,the Maryland State Legislature will convene a special session to redraw our state’s congressional boundaries. The special session is different from the January-to-April regular legislative session: the state legislature will not hear testimony on the budget, but will instead only take up legislation to redraw congressional districts based on the 2020 U.S. Census data, consider overriding more than 20 bills vetoed by the Governor last Spring, and elect a new State Treasurer.  Click through for info on how you can have your voice heard in how these districts should be drawn:


Despite the presence of the Delta and Delta+ variants of the COVID-19 virus, most reopening plans are underway. The return to normalcy hasn’t been completely smooth, especially for hospitality workers. Workers from Unite Here Local 7 at Merriweather Lakehouse, the hotel formerly known as Sheraton Columbia, held a rally demanding their jobs be reinstated when the hotel reopens. During the pandemic-related shutdown, the hotel came under new management. The new management is using the chaos caused by the sale and pandemic to deny workers the opportunity to come back to work on the terms they left


On behalf of AFT-Maryland, I offer condolences to the Trumka and entire AFL-CIO family on the passing of Richard Trumka. Mr. Trumka served at the helm of the AFL-CIO for nearly 12 years, leading with concern and care for every worker in the United States. His leadership on behalf of the working people in this country has been well documented and will continue to be in the days to come as people all over the world eulogize him.

In addition to his commitment to fighting for working people on domestic economic issues, he was also a champion seeking to build bridges across cultural and ethnic


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AFT-Maryland successfully held their 2021 Triennial Convention virtually. Although it was heartbreaking not to be together in person, the virtual convention came as close to recreating the feeling of worker solidarity and forward progression for the state federation as possible. Take a look at a recap from the two-day convention. Special thank you to our locals and delegates for a great convention.

Click here to watch the recap video on AFT-Maryland's YouTube channel.


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"74545","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image media-image-right","style":"width: 50%; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; margin: 3px; float: right;"}}]]Renee Reisinger enjoys working as a public health professional. She also appreciates that it’s never too late to learn something new. This is why she joins a select few with the distinction of graduating from a first-in-the-nation Master’s Program at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. The program is in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics. In this member spotlight, Renee talks with AFT-Maryland Communication Director Ray Baker about what she’s learned in the program and how the program is helping advance the field of public health. AFT-Maryland and BCFPHN are proud of each and every member who...