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Faculty at Hagerstown Community College to Unionize with AFT Maryland

Faculty at Hagerstown Community College have declared their intention to unionize and affiliate with American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Maryland. Earlier today, faculty members and AFT Maryland officials filed unionization cards with the Maryland Public Employees Labor Relations Board. Once certified, the faculty will be a part of the United Academics of Maryland - Hagerstown, affiliated with the AFT Maryland, AFT, AAUP, and AFL-CIO. This effort continues AFT’s engagement with organizing higher education workers. The organizing has taken off since AFT and AAUP affiliated in 2022. Unionization provides faculty with an organized body to participate in the decision making process of the college. Many longtime faculty members are excited about a chance to collaborate with administrators to demonstrate their knowledge and move Hagerstown Community College forward. 


Happy Holidays

The undeniable chill in the air and the early hour that darkness falls over us leaves no question that the Winter Holiday season is upon us. The many religious and cultural holidays celebrated around this time of year symbolize our collective commitment to gather and share our love among those we hold most dear. We call upon the sacred values learned from those traditions, to show one another the best versions of ourselves. We do this through fellowship, kindness, food, gift giving, and charity. 

Click through to read more.

AFT-Maryland Solidarity

Labor power is rising all across the United States and workers in Maryland are capitalizing on the energy surrounding the current labor movement. AFT-Maryland already stands as a leader in fighting for local and state employees in Maryland and we have extended our support to labor siblings in different industries. Members and staff of the state federation have taken to the streets recently to support worker efforts as labor attempts to make inroads against corporate titans such as Starbucks and Amazon. 

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US Capitol

The hard right members of the US House of Representatives are calling for a government shutdown if they do not receive the senseless funding cuts they demand, including an 80% reduction in public education Title I funding, which would highly impact low-income students. 

The cuts could lead to a nationwide reduction of 220,000 teachers, a catastrophic outcome for our nation’s students at a time when schools are already dealing with an educator shortage. 

Classroom teacher

Welcome Back to a New School Year!

I can only imagine how excited everyone is for the start of the new school year. Although we enjoy our summer break there is no greater feeling than returning to our students and setting them on the path to success. I hope your summer break gave you the time to rest, reflect, and recharge. We are best able to pour into our scholars when we have taken the time to tend to ourselves. The time away from our students, while re-energizing, has also made us excited for their return to the classroom. Vacation was fun, but that does not mean that we also did not miss the joy that our students bring to our lives. 

As we embark on the 2023-24 school year, we do so knowing...

Read on for the rest of President Campbell's Back to School 2023 message > > >

Every worker deserves to be appreciated, especially by their union. Members of the Baltimore County Federation of Public Health Nurses (BCFPHN), Local 5102, felt the love from their union at their worksites during National Nurses Week 2023. AFT-Maryland President Kenya Campbell along with AFT-Maryland organizer Janell Edmonds visited public health centers across Baltimore county delivering gifts that represented tokens of appreciation from the members’ union and the state federation.  President Campbell enjoyed visiting the worksites and talking with nurses. “I love getting out in the community and engaging with members. Our members are the backbone of our state and local governments. It was my pleasure to be with the nurses in Baltimore county to offer a token of appreciation on behalf of their union and the state federation,” Campbell said. CLICK THROUGH FOR THE REST, A VIDEO, AND > > > MORE