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Legislative & Political Hub

Get involved! To find out about how you can be a part of AFT-Maryland's Political and Legislative Committees, or if you have any questions, contact Todd Reynolds or Denise Riley:

Todd Reynolds (443) 320-4719, AFT-Maryland Political Coordinator
Denise Riley (443) 320-4713, AFT-Maryland Director of Policy & Legislative Affairs

AFTMD Bill and Ballot Blog

February Update on the 2025 Legislative Session

January was a busy month with nearly 2,000 bills introduced in the Maryland General Assembly. AFT Maryland has done its best to keep up with them and alert our affiliate unions on pending legislation. AFT Maryland and affiliates have taken positions on 30 bills. Below are updates on several of our priorities.

Read on for more about: 

  • the Maryland State Budget
  • the Fair Share for Maryland Act
  • Collective Bargaining Rights for faculty at Maryland's 4-year public universities, and 
  • Adding 911 Specialists to the Hometown Heroes Act
Social Security Fairness Act

The Social Security Fairness Act Gains Overwhelming Bipartisan Support with 325 Cosponsors

The Social Security Fairness Act, a bill pending in the U.S. House of Representatives, would correct injustices by repealing both the WEP and GPO, ensuring that teachers, park rangers, and other public sector workers receive the full Social Security benefits they are entitled to.

Under current law, the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) reduces the Social Security benefits of individuals who received a pension from government employment. The Government Pension Offset (GPO) reduces benefits for those whose spouses received a government pension. Combined, these provisions have unfairly penalized retirees, denying them the full benefits they have earned over their careers. [...]

Read on for more.

AFT Maryland at MACo Conference 2024

Nothing says summer in Maryland like a trip to the shore. Although the legislative session does not start for roughly another five months, everyone begins to wrap their minds around state policy in the middle of August during the Maryland Association of Counties Summer Conference (MACo) in Ocean City, MD. A trip to the beach in the dead of August sounds like it would be a good time, but this conference is not about fun and games. Elected officials, advocates, lobbyists, and others arrive on the Eastern Shore of Maryland to greet one another, but more importantly gather to lay the groundwork for important policy agendas for the 2025 legislative session. The theme for this year’s conference was “Turning the Tide.”

Click for more photos and to read more.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services logo

The state of Maryland has received a $2.5 million implementation grant from Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This grant will help Maryland public schools extend services beyond what is provided under a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Individualized Family Services Program (IFSP). This initiative is a critical step toward enhanced healthcare accessibility for students enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP.

This grant, a product of the work of AFT Maryland in collaboration with Gov. Moore’s staff, is part of a broader federal effort under the Biden Administration. Click here to read more.

Baltimore City Board of Election Certifies Primary Voting Results

Once again, the members of the AFT Maryland have demonstrated, through their hard work volunteering, that Baltimore is, always has been, and always will be a union town. 

With the Baltimore City Board of Elections certifying the results from last week’s primary election, labor can now officially celebrate the hard-fought victories up and down the ballot. The process that began last year with the construction and compilation of union questionnaires for the candidates and ended with union activists on doors and phones every week for the past 2 months bore fruit.

Read on for more!


The only bill that is constitutionally required to pass every year is a balanced state budget. The budget was especially tight this year, as state revenues failed to meet projections, and the state was facing a $700 million dollar shortfall. This year, the originally proposed budget did fully fund the Blueprint for Education, but saw a drastic reduction in funding for our community colleges, moving the state contribution to its community colleges from 29% to 26.5%.

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Crossover Day 2024

As the Maryland state legislative session approached its Crossover Day, bills moved quickly through both chambers. Crossover is the final day that bills passed in one chamber are guaranteed a hearing in the opposite chamber. If a bill does not crossover, it is not dead, but requires that it go through the Rules Committee to be given a hearing. 

Click through for the status on some of our priority bills after the March 18th crossover day!


Rising prescription drug prices affect individuals, employers, and all levels of government. As pharmaceutical manufacturers kick off the new year with their annual price hikes, Maryland is stepping up its efforts to tackle the problem head-on.

Read on for more.

testifying in Annapolis

This past week, leaders from the AFT-Maryland and UAMDCC were in Annapolis to protest proposed budget cuts to the state’s community colleges. Dozens of faculty members from AFT-AAUP affiliated unions sent letters, talked to their legislators, and testified in Annapolis for the “State Aid to Community College” budget hearing. 

Click through for photos and more information.

Say No to Vouchers

In Governor Wes Moore’s proposed FY2025 budget, he cuts funding for Maryland’s Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today (BOOST) Program. BOOST is a state taxpayer funded program that provides vouchers for students to attend private schools. While the program is promoted as a means to expand educational options, there are numerous downsides to it.

Read on for more...


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