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After weeks of promising to investigate what has gone wrong with the state's roll-out of its new healthcare exchange, top legislative leaders are now saying that they will wait until the state does an official audit that will begin this summer and take a year to complete. This has angered republicans and some democrats saying that this will deflect pressure from Anthony Brown as he runs for Governor this year.  Read more at the Washington Post.

2/3/14 Todd Reynolds, Political Action Coordinator


Nancy Kopp, Maryland State Treasurer, criticized O'Malley's plan to cut $100 million from the pension fund to balance the budget, saying it would hurt the fund's credit rating. Read more at the Maryland Reporter.

2/3/14 Todd Reynolds, Political Action Coordinator


A big fight this legislative session, and this political season, will be the stormwater runoff tax (referred to as the "rain tax"), and attempt to repeal it. Environmental groups have started to mount an ad camapign, according to the Baltimore Sun. A number of Republicans have introduced bills delaying or repealing the implementation of the tax, designed to prevent storm water runoff from polluting the Chesapeake Bay.

Read more at the Baltimore Sun.

1/23/14 Todd Reynolds, Political Action Coordinator


Despite calls for lowering tax rates from state republicans and a few democrats, a recent study found that Maryland has (and has had over time) the most millionaires per capita in the US. Despite calls saying that Maryland's high tax rate would force the top earners to other states, the data show that this is simply just not the case.

More at the

1/23/14 Todd Reynolds, Political Action Coordinator


In response to Sandy Hook, O'Malley commissioned a panel to look at how the state can better handle and treat mental health problems. The commission issues its report yesterday.

Read more at the Baltimore Sun.

1/22/14 Todd Reynolds, Political Action Coordinator


Baltimore Sun graphic on where the state, under O'Malley, has generated its revenues, and where it has spent its money. Worth the look.

Click here to view at the Baltimore Sun.

1/22/14 Todd Reynolds, Political Action Coordinator


A plan that usually is a republican favorite is getting some traction with key democrats this year, including democratic senators Mike Miller and Jennie Forhand. 

Read more at the Frederick News Post.

1/22/14 Todd Reynolds, Political Action Coordinator


Over 300 new Medicaid enrollees received the wrong infomation in packets mailed to them last month. The state blames IT "glitches". @ the Washington Post.

State Senate passes emergency legislation for people who have been trying to enroll in Maryland's health exchange. The act would make coverage retroactive to January 1st. @ the Baltimore Sun.

Congressman Delaney still thinks Maryland should abandon its state-wide rollout, and just go with the Federal plan. However the state's Secretary of Health argues that a switch right now would make the problem of enrollment worse. @ the Baltimore Sun


AFT-Maryland represents more than 20,000 state and municipal workers, including 9,000 educational workers in the City of Baltimore. During this legislative session, there are issues that are of particular concern to our members:

  • Job Protections for Maryland’s Educators: Higher Education Collective Bargaining
  • The Correctional Officers Bill of Rights
  • Workplace Violence Prevention
  • Full Pension Funding

Read more:


O'Malley rolled out his legislative package Monday night, and highlights according to news sources included an increase in the minimum wage ($10.10, indexed to inflation), expand pre-k participation, improve security at state-run jails, more help for victims of domestic abuse, and a bill that would deem 20,000 acres of state-owned land as protected lands, preventing development to occur on those lands.

The governor is scheduled to give his State of the State speech on Thursday.

More at the Baltimore Sun.

1/21/14 Todd Reynolds, Political Coordinator