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This year has been challenging in ways that make it feel like an entire decade has passed by. That's why now, more than ever, it's important to pause to take inventory of the things we are thankful for. With so much hurt and pain socially, politically, and with health, now is the time to look toward the positive things that bring us joy. The quarantine has allowed us to spend more time at home with family. While that has meant shouldering a bigger load at home, it also means reconnecting with the most important people in our lives. The many donations made to food banks, shelters, and various


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Leaders from AFT-Maryland's Baltimore Teachers Union (BTU) Local 340 and City Union of Baltimore (CUB) Local 800 joined with leadership from AFSCME Local 558 in protesting the planned reopening of Baltimore City Public Schools. The leaders each expressed their concern for the safety and welfare of students, staff, and families should any city schools reopen on Monday as proposed.



Decency and grace have  finally been restored to the White House. AFT-Maryland applauds the Biden-Harris team on their historic election victory. We eagerly welcome the inauguration of President-Elect Biden and the election of the first ever Black and Indian woman Vice President,  Senator Kamala Harris. Our state federation owes a huge thank you to our staff and affiliate locals for the outstanding job they did to turn out the vote, all while maintaining safe distancing necessary because of the ongoing global pandemic. Members and staff of our state federation not only galvanized the vote here


It is with deep sorrow AFT-Maryland shares the passing of Nat LaCour. Nat was a high school teacher in New Orleans and got his start as a union leader who was at the forefront of school integration in New Orleans. Additionally, Nat was the first Executive Vice President AFT and Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus of the national federation. His fingerprints are all over the public sector labor movement as he was a pioneering giant on issues of workers' rights as well as racial justice. Nat continued to push AFT to lead on racial equality in school districts across the country, in public health care


AFT-Maryland joins a grateful and sad nation in mourning the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Affectionately known as "Notorious RBG" by supporters, Justice Ginsburg was a passionate advocate for working people and was most well known for her work to ensure gender equality. Her poignant and insightful opinions modeled to young girls and women everywhere that they do not have to dim their lights so male lights can shine brighter.

Justice Ginsburg was a proud Jewish woman and her passing during Rosh Hashanah is a devastating blow to our Jewish sisters and brothers. She did not hide her