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Following President Biden's decision to no longer seek the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, the AFT Executive Council moved swiftly in recommending endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination. When presented before the delegates of the convention, AFT delegates voted resoundingly to endorse Vice President Harris. She has the support of the 1.8 million member union.

Closer to home, AFT Maryland will continue get out the vote (GOTV) efforts here in Maryland. "We will be hands on deck to elect Angela Alsobrooks to the United States Senate and Kamala Harris to the White House. We will also offer our support to our neighbors in Pennsylvania and Virginia to turn out voters to support Vice President Harris in the upcoming November election," said AFT Maryland President Kenya Campbell. 


AFT Maryland Back to School Tour 2024

The first week of school is important for education professionals and students to get the year off to a great start. AFT Maryland spent the week visiting members in schools to support the start of a fantastic 2024-25 school year.

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Many Hands make the Labor Light!

Labor Day marks the end of the summer while honoring and acknowledging working people. This holiday is famous for cookouts and parades, but the holiday holds special significance to us in the labor movement. It is a day off that has been earned and fought for by the countless labor advocates who have struggled along the way. It is a holiday that working people should hold in the deepest regard because it is a reflection of all of us.

Labor Day is a day of reflection, but reflection alone feels insufficient. In times such as these when it feels like there are constant attacks on workers and working people, the only solution we have is solidarity and active engagement...

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AFTMD at NTSI 2024

Baltimore City receives a new collection of teachers every year who are eager to make an impact on the young scholars in their classrooms. Before those excited teachers take their place in the classroom, it is vital they are prepared for the unique challenges and opportunities that being a Baltimore City educator provides. To reach that goal, the district provides an opportunity for new teachers to network with fellow new teachers and learn from those who have experience in the field. The New Teacher Summer Institute (NTSI) is a wonderful opportunity for teachers to be prepared to hit the ground running ahead of the new school year. This year’s event was held at Digital Harbor High School and AFT Maryland was once again in attendance.

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AFT Maryland at MACo Conference 2024

Nothing says summer in Maryland like a trip to the shore. Although the legislative session does not start for roughly another five months, everyone begins to wrap their minds around state policy in the middle of August during the Maryland Association of Counties Summer Conference (MACo) in Ocean City, MD. A trip to the beach in the dead of August sounds like it would be a good time, but this conference is not about fun and games. Elected officials, advocates, lobbyists, and others arrive on the Eastern Shore of Maryland to greet one another, but more importantly gather to lay the groundwork for important policy agendas for the 2025 legislative session. The theme for this year’s conference was “Turning the Tide.”

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Back to School with AFT Maryland

We are only days away from the return of students to classrooms. It is an exciting time for every education professional and public employee who works with Baltimore City Public School System students and families. The combination of nerves and excitement leading up to the first day of school is an unmatched feeling that only those of us who have experienced it can relate to. Rarely do anxiety and optimism take up space so closely together, but the run-up to the first day of school creates an uncanny mix of emotions quelled only by the certainty that opening day will come and all of our practice and preparation will meet the returning energy of our young people.

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AFT Maryland at AFT Convention 2024

AFT Maryland delegates and leaders took to Houston, Texas to join with thousands of other AFT members for the national union’s biennial convention. AFT Maryland was prominently featured in signage as well as on the convention floor. The state federation turned heads throughout the nation with our organizing of public employees from the Maryland School for the Deaf, various community college faculty, and residents and fellows at the University of Maryland Medical Center.