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Cast against a backdrop of a city in unrest, AFT-Maryland held their triennial convention in Pikesville, MD on May 1-2, 2015. Delegates from our local unions across the state came out and joined in what was a modest celebration of all the Union had accomplished over the past three years. The celebration was subdued due to the recent civil unrest and ensuing property damage that was taking place in the heart of West Baltimore.

The convention undoubtedly had some fiery moments however, starting with the impassioned speeches delivered by AFT National Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Lorretta Johnson and


After a hard-fought campaign, Governor Larry Hogan has announced he will release the $68 million set aside to maintain the 2 percent salary increase—one that was negotiated and finalized last year by public employee unions and the state—for state employees. This was initially a point of contention between the Governor and state workers but his recent announcement has improved the relationship tremendously.

Several local labor leaders weighed in on Gov. Hogan's decision:

"Our members are pleased that Governor Hogan decided to do the right thing and honor the agreement that was negotiated between


In the wake of serious civil unrest last week Baltimore Teachers Union members took the streets to help clean up their city. Many went to the epicenter of the conflict, Pennsylvania & North avenues to sweep debris and provide lunch, bottles of water, and supplies to affected residents.

Other members fanned out across the city to distribute FirstBook books to young people gathered at churches.

BTU President Marietta English presented a check for $5,000 to the Southern Baptist Church to help rebuild a senior living facility that was burned to the ground on  Monday, April 27.


In the midst of a busy and tumultuous week in Baltimore, the city council passed a quiet but important resolution. The council unanimously decided to call on the Mayor to increase her budget for community schools and out-of-school-time to $10 million.

The Baltimore Teachers Union has been working diligently with AFT and community partners as part of the Baltimore Education Roundtable to promote additional funding for community schools and out-of-school-time.

Chandra Carriere speaking on behalf of the Baltimore Teachers Union said, "We recognize that the school, being anchored in the community


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We are standing with our neighbors to build a better city for all of the residents of Baltimore. We continue to fight for justice for all. 

BTU is dispatching volunteers TODAY, April 28th, from our office at 5800 Metro Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215. Volunteers are needed for clean up, for activities with students, and other community help.

Come by, lend a hand. Together, we can build a better city for all.

What: Community Volunteer Opportunities
When: Tues. April 28, 201511:00a.m. until....
Where: BTU, 5800 Metro Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215
For Information, call the BTU: (410) 358-6600