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Reading Opens the World at BCSB

Leap year provided an extra day for Black History Month this year and AFT Maryland took advantage of it. Partnering with the Baltimore Collegiate School for Boys (BCSB), AFT Maryland once again celebrated Reading Opens the World Initiative with a Baltimore city school. The event featured remarks from principal Mr. Kelvin Bridgers who thanked AFT Maryland for facilitating the event and thanked Mr. Legaspi for attending the AFT Convention in Boston, Massachusetts where AFT kicked off the Reading Opens the World Initiative. 

Read on for photos and more!

Baltimore City Board of Election Certifies Primary Voting Results

Once again, the members of the AFT Maryland have demonstrated, through their hard work volunteering, that Baltimore is, always has been, and always will be a union town. 

With the Baltimore City Board of Elections certifying the results from last week’s primary election, labor can now officially celebrate the hard-fought victories up and down the ballot. The process that began last year with the construction and compilation of union questionnaires for the candidates and ended with union activists on doors and phones every week for the past 2 months bore fruit.

Read on for more!

Union Night in Annapolis

Union Night in Annapolis - March 11th

Join with AFT-Maryland as we attend the AFL-CIO Union Night Rally in Annapolis on Monday, March 11th! Let your voice be heard with hundreds of union siblings demanding collective bargaining, ending wage theft, creating high road jobs, and dignity for all workers! Be sure to wear your union gear!

AFT Maryland is providing a bus from Baltimore... read on to RSVP and more!

AFT Maryland 2024 Triennial Convention

The AFT Maryland 2024 Triennial Convention has concluded. It was a day of deep labor engagement among delegates representing the more than 15,000 members who make up the AFT Maryland. Attendees heard from our state federation president Kenya Campbell, as well as remarks from the keynote speaker, Metro Baltimore AFL-CIO President Courtney Jenkins. The day-long convention was held in AFT Maryland’s new facilities in Windsor Mill, Maryland.

Click through for photos and more.

AFT Maryland Lobby Night 2024

The state federation continues to grow with the recent addition of more classifications of state employees, education professionals at the Maryland School for the Deaf, and higher education professionals from community colleges across the state. The additional members give events such as our annual Lobby Night more people, demonstrating more power and better positioning public employees to have their voices heard. AFT Maryland took two full buses to Annapolis to meet with legislators to advocate for the state federation’s legislative priorities. More members drove themselves and met us there to display the full power of our collective unions. 

Read on for photos and more about the event!

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a marker to get ready for vacations, and be sure children have their summer plans in order. The holiday also marks a season of optimism and is the first in a line of summer holidays that celebrate the rich, complex, and diverse history of the United States.

Memorial Day invites us to slow down and pause from the lightning quick pace that life has become. It can be difficult to stop scrolling, turn off the television, and put down the phone but that is what this holiday asks us to do. 

Read on for more.