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CUB president Antoinette Ryan-Johnson led a delegation of AFT-Maryland members and leaders in Annapolis to testify on a bill that would allow union members to write off their union dues on state income taxes. This bill would increase the number of union members in the face of the anti-worker Supreme Court Janus decision. President Ryan-Johnson lauded this bill for reaching out to workers who are striving to make ends meet.

She was joined by MPEC President Jerry Smith and BTU member Nick McDaniels as they testified on the impact such a bill would have on the lives of members. State Sen. Guy


Karen Pilecki and members of the Baltimore County Federation of Public Health Nurses testified in Annapolis before the House of Delegates Health and Government Operations committee. They are seeking a standardization of training practices and protocols across jurisdictions throughout the state. Delegate Bonnie Cullison sponsored the legislation and worked hard for it in committee. She did received a number of co-sponsors on legislation including perennial friends of AFT-Maryland Dels. Jazz Lewis, Eric Luedtke, and Jheanelle Wilkins.

The members of the BCFPHN are calling for the Secretary of


Due process is an essential right for every employee, however employees at the Maryland School for the Deaf currently don’t have that right. The AFT-Maryland was hard at work ensuring that wouldn’t be the case for long. AFT-MD took to the halls of power in Maryland to make the case for due process rights for all state employees including those at Maryland School for the Deaf.

Field organizer Frank Pratka works closely with Maryland School for the Deaf Faculty Staff Association Local 4828 union president Mark Denton, and testified in Annapolis in support of a bill that would give rights to the


When our sisters and brothers of labor are in need, we will answer the call. The unions that make up the AFT-Maryland answered the call for their American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) sisters and brothers in an act of selflessness and solidarity. When the Metro Baltimore Council of AFL-CIO put out the call, we were there in full force to answer. Unions across the state federation showed up and contributed so our friends at AFGE will always know their labor family is always on their side.

The federal government shutdown threatened the livelihood of more than 800,000 federal workers


Members from across the state federation met in Annapolis to lobby for a range of issues important to Maryland public employees. Delegates and state Senators heard from members about everything from due process rights for Maryland School for the Deaf employees, to education funding, to property tax cuts for low wage Baltimore city employees, among other issues the federation will press during the current legislative session.

Elected officials and their staff in Annapolis were excited to see the sea of AFT-Maryland blue that took over the House and Senate buildings. Longtime officeholders were


On Monday, December 17, 2018, staff and members of AFT-Maryland, BCFPE, City Union of Baltimore, and others joined with the Metropolitan Baltimore Council AFL-CIO in preparing holiday baskets to deliver to union families in need. AFL-CIO Community Services organized the effort, and members and staff volunteered their time to pack, sort, and deliver donations. Thank you to everyone who participated!

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