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Hispanic Heritage Month

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! This diverse celebration brings in a large cross-section of people to celebrate the unique cultures that we call Hispanic Heritage. Over the next thirty days, we acknowledge and celebrate Americans who have lineage across South America, Mexico, Central America, and even Spain. 


Juneteenth is a holiday that every working person should hold a deep reverence and appreciation for. Colloquially, we think of the holiday in terms of freeing enslaved African-Americans. While that is undoubtedly true, this holiday changed the nature of labor in this country forever. It is a celebration of the events that forbade exploited labor in the United States. Slavery was a commitment to exploiting people for the purpose of their labor, that exploitation was determined by the color of their skin. As working people, we know that the unfair and abusive treatment of workers does not just hurt those people being mistreated but others who want to earn an honest living at a fair wage using their talent and treasure.  CLICK TO READ > > >


AFT-Maryland is PROUD to stand in solidarity with our members celebrating this month. Every public employee in our state federation is seen and recognized. We work diligently to make worksites a more democratic and safe place for public employees. That includes supporting LGBTQIA+ workers in feeling protected and included in the labor family. We never want our members to feel compelled to mute or misrepresent their identity at work or anywhere else. Our work serves the public, and LGBTQIA+ workers are part of the public and vitally intertwined in Maryland. CLICK TO READ > > >

The race to the end of Maryland’s Legislative session is in full speed, but that hasn’t stopped AFT-Maryland from pushing for expanded collective bargaining for higher education workers at Maryland public institutions. The bill that would do that (HB275/SB274) is held up in the Senate Finance Committee, as is HB65, a bill granting collective bargaining to Maryland public library workers. The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) collaborated with AFT-Maryland for a joint press conference urging the Senate Finance Committee to move those bills out of committee so public employees in libraries and state higher education institutions can have the right to choose collective bargaining.  CLICK THROUGH TO READ > > > MORE

AFT-Maryland joined with labor activists from across the Metro Baltimore AFL-CIO for the council's annual food and toy holiday drive.

For AFT-Maryland, community activism is labor activism.

Frederick CC Bargaining Kickoff 2023

Faculty at Frederick Community College have formed a new union through United Academics of Maryland and AFT-Maryland, and are preparing to negotiate their first contract. Union members and supporters gathered to cheer on the bargaining team as they head into negotiations with the administration. The union is supported by a diverse group of faculty members who are united in their goal of improving working conditions for all.

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AFT-Maryland Organizes FCC and HCC

AFT-Maryland welcomes full-time faculty from Frederick and Howard Community Colleges into the state federation. Following legislation in 2021 granting collective bargaining rights to full-time community college faculty, AFT-Maryland is proud to be the exclusive bargaining agent for higher education full-time faculty at the community colleges in Frederick and Howard counties respectively.

Read on for more about the unionization efforts.

Randi Weingarten at a Massachusetts high school

Summer is upon us, and parents, children and teachers are winding down from what has been an exhausting and fully operational school year—the first since the devastating pandemic. The long-lasting impact of COVID-19 has affected our students’ and families’ well-being and ignited the politics surrounding public schools. All signs point to the coming school year unfolding with the same sound and fury, and if extremist culture warriors have their way, being even more divisive and stressful.


Stewardship Training: Helping Stewards Make a Difference


Stewards are the lifeblood of any union. That’s why it’s of the utmost importance that unions offer training to continue to develop and strengthen their stewards. The Maryland Professional Employees Council Local 6197 (MPEC) hosted their stewards for training on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. The training covered a wide range of topics, informing those in attendance of the responsibilities of stewards.

Read more about the event on MPEC's website.

AFT-Maryland Holds Federation-Wide Steward Training

Shop stewards are the backbone of any labor union and necessary for the union to wield the power in the workplace that members deserve. Knowing that, AFT-Maryland convened a statewide training for   public employee stewards to equip them with the skills and resources they need to help their colleagues as best as possible. Members from across the state, working in diverse industries from higher education professionals to correctional staff, came to Baltimore for the day-long training.

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